Ronda Romantica

In May Ronda gets a real make-over. A world of bandits, travellers and muleteers. Ronda and its Royal May Fair, the second most ancient fair in Andalucía, will take us back to the Romantic Times through a unique historical setting. The streets, adorned with oleander wreaths, are filled with barrels, agricultural tools and clay objects that perfectly recreate the more picturesque years of Ronda. Men and women dress in typical garments and walk along with the best horses bedecked for the occasion. A real experience to be part of this amazing fair.

Food & Drinks

As for restaurants, cooking will be done in stone ovens, and food can be prepared only in stoves or portable cookers. There will be no electric light, and light will be obtained from oil lamps, kerosene lamps or candles. Chairs and tables are made from rustic wood, boards or cattail.

This effort turns Ronda into the centre of attention during one of its most traditional celebrations. For this reason, contests are also held, giving prizes to the best decoration, the best typical dish, or the best costume, and others.


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