Surrounded by lush river valleys and sitting above a deep ravine, Ronda is a place that literally takes your breath away when seeing it. It is one of the most beautiful and visited cities in Spain.
Just some must-sees for your trip to Ronda: Puente Nuevo (unforgettable views over the El Tajo gorge), Plaza de Toros (Ronda is the home of modern day bullfighting), Baños Arabes (the best Arabic baths preserved in Spain), Palacio de Mondragón (home to the municipal museum and some truly outstanding gardens), Palacio del Rey Moro (legend has it that this was the residence of the Moorish King, Almonated, who is said to have drank wine from the skulls of his enemies), Jardines de Cuenca (located on the ledges of the Tajo and distributed across a series of terraces) and the views (the views of the gorge, the Puente Nuevo and the surrounding countryside are spectacular).
Old town & Bridge
Ronda retains much of its historic charm, particularly its old town. It is famous worldwide for its dramatic escarpments and views, and for the deep El Tajo gorge that carries the rio Guadalevín through its centre. Visitors make a beeline for the 18th century Puente Nuevo ‘new’ bridge, which straddles the 100m chasm below, for its unparalleled views out over the Serranía de Ronda mountains.
el toro blanco | ronda, andalucia